Principal Certifying
Once you have obtained a building approval (either CC or CDC) and prior to any building work commencing, a registered certifier (or your local council) must be appointed as the Principal Certifier (PC).
All developments must have a nominated PC. A PC must be appointed by the ‘person having benefit of the development consent’ – (meaning the owner of the land)
AIS certifiers are accredited under the Building and Development Certifiers Act to carry out the role of the Principal Certifying Authority required under the Environmental planning and Assessment Act 1979 for your project. The PC oversees aspects of the developments construction phase and completes all critical stage building inspections to certify that construction is executed in accordance with relevent building standards. Once construction is complete the PC will conduct a final inspection and issue an Occupation Certificate if all mandatory requirements are met.
To appoint AIS Certifiers as your PC – please completed the nomination of the Principal Certifier on the NSW Planning Portal.
Popular certification services
Construction Certificates
We can work with you to get a construction certificate and start work on your construction project as soon as possible.
Complying Development Certificates
Complying Development (CDC) is a combined planning and construction approval for straight forward development that can be determined through an accelerated assessment by AIS Certifiers.
Occupation Certificates
We will supply you with a list of required documentation that will need to be submitted at the end of the project, enabling us to issue you with an Occupational Certificate.
Principal Certifying
During our role as PC, AIS certifiers will carry out the critical stage inspections in a professional manner providing advice and assistance along the way.
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